The twins are 7 weeks old now, and we're still alive to tell the tale. In all honesty, they've been very good to us. They are good babies, although they've upped their cranky factor lately, probably because they've now reached term (they're corrected age is 2 weeks). They are seen here wearing they're "coming home" outfits that they just fit into now.
We had an interesting couple of weeks at the beginning of April with Maeve bringing RSV home from daycare. Mommy got it, followed by Maren and Beckett. Maren held her own, but wee little Beckett has a 6 day hospital stay. Not fun. We're all home and well now, so that's all that matters. I will say that having 6 week old twins with RSV was NOT fun.
Maren is the loud vibrant one, while Beckett is the quiet shy guy with the smile that will warm your heart. He smiles and I melt. Maren's gift is her resemblance to my Dad. It's a beautiful gift to see your father (who has since passed) in your daughter's face every day. Amazing.
Maeve is our superstar. She has adapted to these new additions with incredible maturity. She loves them to pieces and has grown up so much since they've come home. Her latest accomplishment - potty training! We now only have 2 kids in diapers!
So, that's where we are at. We are enjoying our family of three, although we'd love a little more sleep. ;)
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