Sunday, August 22, 2010

Here birdie, birdie, birdie!

 Maeve somehow got it in her head that she wanted to make a birdfeeder out of pinecones, peanut butter and birdseed.  She talked about it incessantly for days. So, one day last week we took a walk on the hunt for pinecones.  Once we'd found a few (or thirty) we sat down to make our birdfeeders.
Then, we hung them up on the nearest tree and waited...

And waited....until finally it was discovered by a family of bluejay's living in the tree!



  1. seriously. way to go, mom! For listening to her and helping her to make her vision a reality. What a team!

  2. Great job! You've inspired me to make a feeder with Rebecca now!

  3. What a great idea! My oldest would love this!

  4. So cute!
    What a great idea for little hands!!!
    Project time:)
